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Welcome to the professional physiotherapy clinic

tendempt physiotherapy services
tendempt physiotherapy office
Tendempt Physiotherapy


A personalized approach to your well-being.

Mission: Our mission is to provide client-centered and research based patient care. We assess, educate and create a plan to assist our clients to reach their goal of healthier lifestyle and mobility. Our purpose is to identify risk factors, prevent injuries and help recover from injuries, chronic pain and balance dysfunctions through our custom treatment plans. We take pride in helping with wide variety of conditions and update knowledge about current research periodically to keep us updated on the best possible methods of treatment.
Vision: Our vision statement is Genuine commitment to your health.
Values: In all we do, we provide care of the highest calibre. We treat people how we want to be treated. We focus on getting outcomes and accomplish our goals. We work well together. We are tenacious in overcoming challenges.