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Welcome to the professional physiotherapy clinic

We are Physio clinic who have acupuncture as Part of PT

Massage Therapy

At Tandem , our physiotherapists undergo additional training and certification to practice acupuncture as part of their treatment options. Acupuncture by our physiotherapists combines the principles of traditional acupuncture with the knowledge and skills acquired through their physiotherapy education.


Physiotherapists who incorporate acupuncture into their practice may use it as a complementary technique alongside other physical therapy interventions.

Acupuncture can be helpful in

Physiotherapists who practice acupuncture might use it for various purposes, including:
Acupuncture can be used to address musculoskeletal pain, such as back pain, neck pain, joint pain, or sports-related injuries. It may help alleviate pain by stimulating nerves, releasing endorphins (the body’s natural painkillers), and improving blood flow to affected areas.
Acupuncture may assist in relaxing tight muscles, reducing muscle spasms, and improving muscle function, which can be beneficial in rehabilitation after injuries or surgeries.
Physiotherapists may integrate acupuncture into a comprehensive treatment plan that includes exercises, manual therapy, and other modalities to optimize rehabilitation outcome.

Get a personalized physio care and guidance

Meet Our Physio Practitioners

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Registered Physiotherapist
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Physiotherapy Assistant
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Shatakshi Sharma
Physiotherapy Assistant
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Massage Therapist
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Akiko Nakada
Massage Therapist

We Treat

Tandem Physio Clinic in London


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Home Visit Treatment

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Frequently Asked Questions About Acupuncture Treatment

  • What conditions can acupuncture help treat?

    Acupuncture is known for addressing a range of conditions, including pain management, stress reduction, and various musculoskeletal issues. It can also aid in treating headaches, digestive problems, and respiratory issues. During your consultation, we can discuss your specific concerns and determine if acupuncture is a suitable option for you.

  • How many acupuncture sessions will I need for noticeable results?

    The number of sessions required varies based on your condition and individual response to acupuncture. Some people experience relief after just a few sessions, while others may benefit from a more extended treatment plan. During our initial assessment, we'll discuss your goals and create a personalized treatment schedule to optimize results.

  • Is acupuncture a painful procedure?

    Acupuncture is generally not painful. You may feel a slight sensation as the thin needles are inserted, but it's typically brief and often described as a mild tingling or warmth. The needles used are extremely fine, ensuring a comfortable experience. Many people find acupuncture sessions to be relaxing and therapeutic.

  • Do I need a referral from my doctor to receive acupuncture treatment?

    NO, you don't need a referral to schedule an acupuncture session. It's a direct service, and you can book an appointment without prior approval from your doctor. However, if your insurance plan requires a referral for coverage, we can assist you in obtaining one.

  • How much does acupuncture cost, and is it covered by insurance?

    The cost of acupuncture sessions can vary, and insurance coverage depends on your specific plan. Some insurance providers offer coverage for acupuncture, while others may not. We recommend checking with your insurance company to understand your coverage details. We also offer assistance with any required documentation for insurance claims to make the process smoother for you.

If you’re considering acupuncture as part of your physiotherapy treatment, it’s essential to seek treatment from a qualified and licensed physiotherapist who has received appropriate training in acupuncture techniques. Discuss your specific condition, treatment goals, and any concerns you may have with the physiotherapist to ensure a comprehensive and suitable treatment plan.

Make your first visit and experience a significant improvement!

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